MBR training – plugging the gaps, by Simon Judd


A propósito do MBR Short Course promovido pela CTGA nos passados dias 7 e 8 de Maio, o Prof Simon Judd publicou no The MBR Site o texto que segue:

When I last taught undergraduates – just a couple of years back – I always tried to impress upon students the difference between ignorance and stupidity. No-one should ever be penalised for their ignorance if they’ve never been offered the opportunity to overcome it. On the other hand, if they've had the opportunity and refused to take it up, then they can be considered stupid. Laziness is no excuse either, and copying somebody else’s work is likewise no substitute for education (despite the apparent perception of exactly the opposite by some of the students).

Happily, delivering short courses to industry professionals is another proposition entirely. No need here to point out the ignorance–stupidity fundamentals. Indeed, it’s rare that I deliver a short course to practitioners and fail to learn anything myself from the delegates.

Just two weeks ago I found myself in Coimbra, Portugal delivering The MBR Short Course – now in its 18th year by the way – to CTGA, the environmental consultancy and engineering company...

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